Arche Project Primary school takes off!

The Arche Project in the Primary school in Niederreifenberg, Schmitten started off in September 2019 with 40 children (aged 9-10) fedging wood, sticks, leaves and all natural material they could carry. At the same time, rubbish like bottles, plastic, paper was collected. Back in the schoolyard, a basic outline of a symbolic Arche was build.

Meanwhile, the children should reflect about what would they take with them, in case of a disasterous flood. If they could only choose one or two things, what should not get lost? Mum, dad, oma, opa, dog, cat, food, or less concrete things like friendship, love, empathy…

In cooperation with two local artists who created the concept, Matthias Schmidt (wood sculpturer) and Linda De Clercq (painter), the Arche project will be developed during 5-7 Fridays, in line of “Fridays for Future”. The citizen foundation (Buergerstiftung Schmitten) is financing the project.