Three Nana’s have been accepted by the jury for the Artboxproject New York 2.0 and will be digitally shown at the NYC Artexpo, Manhattan, New York from 17th – 26th April 2023
Art & Prima Exhibition Artnoumillenni Gallery March 2023
Two of my Nana’s are exhibited during the Art & Prima Exhibition at Artnoumillenni Gallery in Barcelona, 02 – 16 March 2023!
Artboxy Art in Galleries March 2023
Artboxy digital exhibition March 2023
Artboxy Art in Galleries February 2023
Artboxy digital Exhibition February 2023
Exhibition: Digital presentation of 3 Nana’s in Lelie Galerij Amsterdam from 09.01 – 31.01.2023
Artboxy Artbox.project Miami 3.0 December 2022
Excited to be part of the Miami Art week with 3 paintings (digitally on screen by Artboxy/Artbox Projects). For all of you out there, enjoy all the art events this period in Miami! 28.11 – 10.12.2022!
Artsy 2022-2023: Check it out!
12 of my best Oil paintings are now for sale on Artnoumillenni Gallery in Barcelona promotes my art on this renowned platform.
Check it out under my name on:
Der Neue Planer-Kalender LindArt 2022 ist da!
Das perfekte Weihnachtsgeschenk!!
Mit der neue LindArt Planer/Kalender 2022 organisieren Sie Ihren Tag, Ihre Ideen, Ihre Termine. Der Planer enthält 13 meiner originale Kunstwerke (1 pro Monat + Cover). Die Agenda bietet viel zusätlichen Platz für Notizen.
Kostpreis Eur 30.
Bestellen geht einfach per email: oder tel.: 0176 – 569 834 77
4 Elements united in a school Art Project
This Autumn, we realized another successful art project at the local basic school. Inspired by nature and the four elements (water, air, earth and fire), we guided 40 children aged 9-10 through 7 weeks of wonderful highly creative weeks. The enthusiasm was big with them and the school staff alike. At the final day, the whole school could enjoy a great presentation about the project by the 40 students themselves!
This project was possible through financial support by the local citizen foundation or Bürgerstiftung Schmitten.
Thank you to all involved, with special thanks to my fantastic colleague Matthias Schmidt – wood sculpture:
Exhibition in Municipality Schmitten
If you would like to tank some colourful vibes during these winter months, you are kindly invited to visit my solo exhibition in the Municipality of Schmitten (Rathaus Schmitten). Open during office hours. 3G corona rules apply!