Atelier re-opening during Covid 19

Dear students and customers,

Finally, after over 6 weeks of closure of my atelier LindArt due to the Corona crisis, I can offer you again some painting fun in my atelier! Thank you for your patience and understanding.

In line with the current rules, we keep our distance of 1,50 to 2 meters, wearing masks, and when the weather allows it, we paint outside in the garden.

So relieved and happy that we can act upon our creativity again, although restricted.

Just give me a call and we arrange an individual appointment! Looking forward to you all!

Exhibition LindArt in Commerzbank

Unfortunately not Van Gogh nor Lautrec…anyhow welcome to my exhibition in the Commerzbank Bad Homburg, 2nd Floor, Louisenstrasse.

Leider kein Van Gogh oder Lautrec…trotzdem willkommen auf meiner Ausstellung in Commerzbank Bad Homburg, 2.OG, Louisenstrasse.

Grundschueler bauen eine Arche als Rettungsschiff

Seit Mitte September arbeiten 40 Schueler der vierten Klasse an der Grundschule Reifenberg gemeinsam mit der Malerin Linda De Clercq und dem Holzgestalter Matthias Schmidt an eine Arche. Die Arche wird im Schulhof aufgestellt.

Unsere Thema ist ein Katastrophe… die Welt wird untergehen…Das ist der Ausgangspunkt unserer Zusammenarbeit. Die Arche ist ein Rettungsschiff. Sie hat nur begrenzt Platz. Was muesst Ihr unbedingt retten, was ist euch wichtig?”Als Rettungsobjekte koennen Mutter & Vater, Oma & Opa, beste Freund(in), das Haustier, aber auch Werte wie Freundschaft, Liebe, Mitgefuehl, Zuneigung mitgenommen werden.

Wir haben uns in verschiedenen kuenstlerische Techniken den Thema genaehernt: Leinwand, Farben, Pappmache, Holz. Die Kinder haben sich fuer das Arche-Projekt tolle Sachen ausgedacht und gestaltet.

Das Project hat der Schueler und die Kuenstler unheimlich viel spaB gemacht! Zusammen mit alle Schulkinder, viele Lehrer, Eltern und 2 Vertreter der Buergerstiftung Schmitten – die das ganze finanziert hat – wurde die Arche am 15 November eingeweiht!

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KotK 2019 Rotary Exhibition highlights

I’ve enjoyed to be part of the KotK September 2019 (Kunst om te Koesteren) Exhibition at the Castle Cortewalle in Beveren, Belgium. The event has been organised by the Rotary Club Beveren-Waas. 50 artists were invited to take part. More than 500 works of art were on display! 30 percent of sold works and all other activities is used to support local and international social projects.

It has been a tremendous success and a worthwhile experience! I’ve enjoyed the talks and exchange of ideas with fellow artists, many visitors and art enthousiasts.

I’m thrilled that one of my works “Indigo Beauty” has found a new home…

Indigo Beauty (at the right)

Arche Project Primary school takes off!

The Arche Project in the Primary school in Niederreifenberg, Schmitten started off in September 2019 with 40 children (aged 9-10) fedging wood, sticks, leaves and all natural material they could carry. At the same time, rubbish like bottles, plastic, paper was collected. Back in the schoolyard, a basic outline of a symbolic Arche was build.

Meanwhile, the children should reflect about what would they take with them, in case of a disasterous flood. If they could only choose one or two things, what should not get lost? Mum, dad, oma, opa, dog, cat, food, or less concrete things like friendship, love, empathy…

In cooperation with two local artists who created the concept, Matthias Schmidt (wood sculpturer) and Linda De Clercq (painter), the Arche project will be developed during 5-7 Fridays, in line of “Fridays for Future”. The citizen foundation (Buergerstiftung Schmitten) is financing the project.

ARTBOX.PROJECT Zurich 1.0 at SWISSARTEXPO 2019: the Walk of Art

Last week my artwork was shown digitally on the “Walk of Art” screens during the SWISSARTEXPO in Zurich on 15 -19th of August. It has been a huge succes with over 100 exhibited works of art and many visitors.

ARTBOX.GALLERY has offered to show the art works digitally on their Artbox.screen for free in September and November!

Thank you Artbox.Gallery for offering a great platform for artists worldwide!

Luxembourg Art Prize 2019

I have submitted a selection of my paintings to the committee for the Luxembourg Art Prize 2019.

The Luxembourg Art Prize is an annual international prize organized by the Pinacotheque, a private, non-profit museum located in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Every year the Prize aims to discover talents, amateur or professional, regardless of age and nationality. The Prize is aimed at artists working in one or more of the following media: drawing, printing, installation, painting, performance, photography, digital art, sculpture, sound art, video, mixed media, decorative art (textiles and material, glass, wood, metal, ceramics, mosaic, paper or other techniques).

The ambition of the Prize is to accelerate the careers of little-known artists through a group exhibition by the finalists and support from the international network of Prize finalists, in existence since 2015. The finalist artists will be included in a group exhibition in the gallery.

The winner receives significant help in the form of a grant of €50’000 (about US$56,500 GBP42,500 CHF56,000 CA$75,000 JPY6,300,000). The winner is entirely free to use this money in any way they choose.

Announcement of the finalists will be end of June 2019!

Read more:

Impressions 1 Year Jubileum LindArt

A day to cherish! I was overwhelmed with how many people visited the 1 Year celebration of my atelier LindArt! We received lots of positive and stimulating critics. I’m totally proud of my ‘students’. The quality of their work is really quite good, evoking enthousiast critics of the public. Thank you all for making this creative adventure a great experience! For sure to be continued…..

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1 Year 01
1 Year 02
1 Year 03
1 Year 04
1 Year 05
1 Year 06
1 Year 07